About Me

Hi! I'm Christina! I'm a mother of five, wife to my high school sweetheart, an avid reader, natural lighting photographer, and MAJOR do it yourself-er. I can't stand to pay for something I could do myself, even if I don't know how to do it, just yet. I love to learn new things and with 5 children, who have five completely different personalities, I'm learning new things everyday. I created this blog to share with the world my diy endeavors along with the new and wonderful things my children teach me.

Our story began in 2003, when I was a sophomore in high school. I was so not cool back then. I was a proud member of our school choir and if we had a GLEE club, I totally would have been president! I met my husband, Chris, through a mutual friend and in 2005, at sixteen and nineteen years old, we got married. Shortly after getting married, we decided to have a child and a few months later Skywalker joined our family. Over the course of the next six years Heidi Klum, LB, Handsome, and Doc were added to our home.

We are originally from Orlando, Florida, but my husband served with the Marine Corps for 4 years, which moved our family to Jacksonville, NC. In 2009, he switched branches and joined the Army and we have been in Fort Campbell, KY since. It's a big change for us and we try to make the best of it, but we really miss home.

Aside from being a mommy and a wife, I have more hobbies then I can even begin to name off. From playing softball to anything arts and crafty, I pretty much do it or did it at some point. I love to bake. Decorating cake is so much fun! I used to have a photography business, but now, I just take pictures as a hobby.

I started blogging as a way to share with our long distance family updates, but when Handsome's health took a turn for the worse this past summer, my blog became an outlet. I started using it as a place to vent my feelings and frustrations. But mostly my blog is a little bit of everything. I blog about crafts, about getting in shape, about just being a mom... I hope you enjoy my reading blog as much as I enjoy writing it.