I guess, I should have expected that, living on a military post and all, but it was still heart-warming to know that at such a young age, children are supporting our military.
I snapped some photos of the kids before we left the house in their career outfits and I wanted to share with y'all, because, well... I think my babies are adorable. :D

Skywalker has been very lucky to have my brother, Joe, as a role model. I think it's very important that children have someone in their life that they can look up to and I have been blessed to have a brother who is smart, level headed, and good. And Skywalker adores him, so naturally, Skywalker wants to be JUST LIKE his Uncle Joe when he grows up. Joe is a very smart computer guy, as Skywalker likes to say and since he was about two, that's what Skywalker has aspired to be. He works hard in school, because he says he has to be smart if he wants to know how computers work. He spends hours taking electronics apart and trying to put them back together. He's my nerd! And I'm very proud of him.

Little Miss Heidi Klum, on the other hand, thinks she doesn't need to be smart to be successful. She will be the first to tell you that being pretty is just as important as being smart, so it should come to no surprise that my little OVER confident princess would want to be a model. Pretty much since she came out of the womb, she has LOVED being in front of a camera and by 18 months old she was picking out her own outfits and demanded matching shoes for each one. She is definitely a handful, but I've been told that I am too! Everyday she amazes me more and more with her knowledge, her beauty, and her amazing fashion sense.

Now hopefully, I can keep these wonderful, intelligent kids on the right path and twenty years from now, I can watch all their dreams come true. What do your kids want to be when they grow up?
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