Friday, December 16, 2011

Embossed handprint ornament

I've been making gifts for the nurses, therapists, and doctors who have helped take care of Handsome this year. We have been truly blessed with amazing people to fill these roles and I wanted to show them how much we appreciate them. I wanted the gifts to be from Handsome and being that he's only ten months old, there isn't much he can make on his own. That's when I decided to do his handprint and since it's Christmas an ornament seemed perfect! I didn't want the same ole boring clay ornament with the handprint in the middle and a painted handprint seemed to simple, so I got myself some new embossing toys!!! I mean TOOLS!

Embossed Handprint Ornament



you are going to need embossing ink pad, embossing heating tool, embossing powder (or glitter), an ornament and ribbon!


Wait for Baby to go to sleep!

Stick the baby's hand on the ink pad, like a stamp. Make sure you cover his hands with the ink.

Stamp his hand on the ornament.

Sprinkle the powder all over the clear stamp his handprint made. Then shake off excess powder.

Run your heating tool over the handprint until the ink rises and becomes shiny.

Let your ornament cool.

tie a ribbon on top.


Note: if you get embossing ink in unwanted areas, baby oil SHOULD remove it depending on what kind of ornament you are using.

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