Thursday, February 9, 2012

Heidi's Valentine's Mailbox

Heidi had a homework assignment, this week, to make a box for her valentine's. Her teacher wasn't very specific. Just had to be a "box" that the kids could put valentine's cards in, so we, of course, had to get creative with it. And I LOVE Valentine's Day, Valentine's movies, Valentine's candy, and most of all Valentine's crafts. I don't know why, but it might have something to do with my favorite colors being pink and red and my favorite food being chocolate.

Heidi's teacher suggested we decorate a used kleenex box, but we happened to have a cardboard mailbox just laying around the house, so we decided to decorate it. (I think I purchased it to make something for my husband, but never got around to it.)


Heidi is my little punk rock princess, so we painted it pink and black.


And added a white "J" for her name. (Heidi isn't her real name, lol.)

This was suppose to be a family project. Something we worked on together. And you would think any pre k aged little girl would be thrilled to paint with her mommy...


But my punk rock princess and her little brother just couldn't get off the couch to help me paint. Guess the Disney channel was just more entertaining.

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