Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spring is COMING... but so are the tornadoes

Once upon a time, spring was my favorite time of year. Growing up in Central Florida, summers were just too hot to enjoy and winters were never cold enough to feel like winter, so I found myself looking forward to Spring and Autumn, when the weather was just right.

But then, my husband went and joined the army and got our family stuck in Southern Kentucky. We moved here in the middle of Spring 2010 and I remember thinking it was so beautiful. Instead of palm trees, we had flowers! Some of the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. Florida, it's so hot only certain kinds of flowers grow outside, so I was being exposed to all these flowers that need a cooler climate to grow. I, even, thought I'd give growing my own a try, which I failed at... miserably. If I didn't fall in love with spring before, I was definitely falling in love with it when I first moved here. Fields of Green grass, pastel colored flowers, oak trees, mild temperatures... tornado sirens?

What? What do you mean tornado sirens?

Spring time in Kentucky is also tornado season, which was so totally not in the brochure when we got orders here. I hate, hate, hate, tornadoes and I was so happy yesterday, to finally have warm enough weather for us to play outside, that I forgot all about those awful swirly things, called tornadoes that come along with this warmer weather. We spent all afternoon outside playing, enjoying eating ice cream after dinner and I was ecstatic to see signs of Spring coming... And then I checked my facebook and read all the statuses about severe thunderstorms and tornado watches coming our way. Completely ruined my countdown to spring.

So, while we had to stay in all day and watch the rain fall from our windows, praying those funnel clouds didn't touch down, I decided to edit the pictures we took outside yesterday. Maybe, this won't be a bad tornado season. Maybe!


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