Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My first crochet project

I haven't been blogging as much this last week, because I picked up a new hobby. Last Tuesday, I got this crazy idea about teaching myself to crochet, so I ran down to Walmart after picking the kids up from school and bought a thing of yarn and a crochet hook. Now I should probably mention that I am notorious for doing things like this. I get these crazy ideas and run out, on impulse, purchasing whatever my idea needs to come to life and then I never do it. One time, I was going to open a tutu shop online, so I bought yards and yards of tulle, made one sample tutu, and then I never touched the tulle again. And last summer I was going to paint the house, so I bought paint for every room and brushes and pans, painted ONE wall and that was it.

So, most of the time... Ok every time, I come up with some awesome project that I am going to do, my mom, my husband, my brothers, heck, even my kids just shake their heads and laugh at me. They all know I'm just wasting my time and money. I guess that is why when Skywalker woke up this morning, he couldn't believe I had actually made something with that yarn and crochet hook I had bought the week before. My husband was a little shocked, as well. He was getting frustrated with me for staying up late every night watching YouTube videos on how to crochet, because he, seriously, thought I was wasting my time.

I'm so proud of myself for staying up 5 hours making this hat, last night. It's not perfect. It's not even close, but I feel accomplished. I finally stuck with one of my crazy projects long enough to get a result.


Of course, my sweet Handsome had to model the hat for me, so I could show it off.


Unfortunately, though, he was tired from his occupational therapy this morning. Now off to the craft store to buy more yarn!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are so cute! I'm super jealous btw. I went out and bought a beginners crochet thing, and I just don't seem to have a knack for it. The hate looks great, really impressed that this is your first one!
