Friday, May 25, 2012

Goodbye Pre K!

Today was Heidi's last day of pre k. 

I couldn't help but compare photos of her from her first day to last. She has grown up so much. It absolutely breaks my heart to see how independent and grown she is becoming... But I'm so proud of how smart she is, how beautiful she is turning out to be (inside and out), and how kind she is to other people. I am blessed to have her as a daughter. 

Above is a photo of her on her first day of school and then one from today, her last day. 

And then there are her teachers, two of the kindest women I've ever met. I really couldn't have asked for better teachers for my little girl, especially considering how much Heidi loves fashion. One of her teachers had an amazing fashion sense and Heidi would always rush home to start telling me about all the pretty clothes Ms. S wore and how awesome her shoes were. 

I was very hesitant putting Heidi in pre k. I didn't put Skywalker through it, because I just like being around my kids and I figured there was nothing he could learn in pre k that I couldn't teach him at home. But Heidi really wanted to start school this past year, when her big brother did. (Skywalker started Kindergarten) I was so nervous and upset about her first day... And throughout the year, I even contemplated pulling her out, because I missed her so much during the days, but  in the end, I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad she got to experience pre k. She learned so much, made so many new friends, and we both got over our bit of separation anxiety... ok, I got over mine A LITTLE! and she didn't really have any to get over... 

Now we get two months of summer to play!!!! before it's back to school... to Kindergarten! 

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