Thursday, July 26, 2012

Guest Blogger: Week Five

When I saw Christina was looking for guest bloggers for her blog, I was immediately intrigued but had no idea what I would write about. Christina had suggested a few topics but nothing really clicked! Then all of a sudden I thought of something. 

I'm Nicholle, I have two kiddos, a 2yr old and a 9 month old daughter. After the birth of my daughter, I became very interested in DIY projects. I've made my own baby wipes, all purpose cleaner, stain remover, bathroom cleaner and most recently cooking spray.  But today we are going to talk about making dish detergent and liquid laundry detergent. 

I've been on the hunt for a good dish washing detergent since we moved on post and our dishwasher is horrible, much like the tile floors! This detergent left my glasses crystal clear and spotless!
Here's how you make it:
2c Borax
2c Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
2c Lemi Shine
1c Kosher Salt
I found all the ingredients at Walmart. The Borax, Washing Soap and are in the laundry aisle The salt is the baking aisle and the Lemi Shine is with this dish washing detergent and rinses. 

1. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Stir until combined.
2. Fill your rinse aid with white vinegar.
3. Use 1Tbs of detergent per load.

I stored my detergent in a recycled formula can since I have tons of those to spare! I had enough to make two formula cans!

Now onto the liquid laundry detergent. I've always wanted to try my own laundry detergent. Every recipe I have come across is powdered detergent and I prefer liquid. I finally found one! I already had most of the ingredients from the above recipe so all I needed to pick up was a bar of soap and baking soda. 

1/2 bar of soap. (Your choice! I chose Dial)
1/2 c Borax
1/2 c Washing Soda
1 gallon water
Rinsed out Milk  Jug or any large container

1. Grate the soap 
2. Fill pan with half gallon of water. Set it on low, add grated soap and stir until melted. Let it cool and pour it in your container.
3. Fill pan with half gallon of water. Set it on low, add powered ingredients, stir until dissolved. Set aside to cool and pour it into your container.
4. Shake your container to mix it all together!

I use an old detergent container to store the detergent in the laundry room and left the extra in the jug to refill!

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