Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guest Blogger: Week Three!

Hi everyone! My name is Crystal. I am a part-time student, part-time book-keeper, and FULL time mom! I have three munchkins who are 8, 6, and 5. I have always been super crafty, my nickname growing up was Martha Stewart. I guess because if I see it I wanna do it! Cooking, sewing, crocheting, art, photography, or anything that requires a hot-glue gun and I am in!

 I met Chrissy when our families were stationed together in Camp Lejeune, NC. and we have kept in touch despite all the moves and years. So,when Chrissy told me she needed a quest to help out with a post, I was like "On it!" Now, we live in Arizona and it is HOTT here in the desert. I like my kids to be active and since school is out and the landscaping is not exactly the way it was when I grew up in Alabama (soft grass, lots of trees), I have to think of things to do inside that let them run around but do not wreck my house in the process.

 I am an avid Pinner, ok let's be honest, I am addicted to Pinterest (look me up!). SO I was on there one day and I was like what to do, what to do....hmmm...I have rolls of streamer paper, let's make THOSE!

and then let's do THAT! 

They really were not hard to make, the most difficult part was making each kid hold still while I measured the straps so that the jet-pack wasn't sagging on their lil booties. I hang on to EVERYTHING so I went out and dug through til I found two matching bottles that were the right size for each kid, tape, and string. I took the bottles and used clear packing tape to get them to stay together. 

Then I took electricians tape and the streamers layered them on and doubled up on the taping so it didn't fall off too easily. Then measured the string and tied AND taped that on. Whaaa-laaa! Awesome jet-pack :) I also saw on Pinterest where a mom used two pringles cans and tinfoil and she cut her streamers to look like flames. This mom apparently made her jet-packs while her children were not around. Juuuuust sayin'. Point is, this is a great re/up-cycling project that will keep your kids occupied for hours...I know it did mine. Just make sure to include an obstacle course for them to maneuver their jet-packs through and you won't see them for AT LEAST an hour. Have fun!

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