Monday, November 5, 2012

T'was the night before election...

With election day being only a few short hours away, I thought it was important to do a non political, political post. You see, politics have a lot more to do with my blog then many of you may know. As a nine year old girl, I aspired to be a political journalist and up until I decided to marry some scruffy US Marine, that aspiration was my fuel. I remember anticipating the political debates as a young adult and counting the days until I was legally allowed to cast my presidential vote. Politics intrigue me and writing... well, I love to write. Political journalism just seemed the best fit. But I decided to become a stay at home mom, instead. (a decision I have NEVER regretted!) 

I blog because I'm a writer at heart. I may not be a very good one, but one, nonetheless. And since my passion for writing started with political journalism, I think it's only fitting that I spend at least ONE blog post talking politics. I've wanted to blog about this election many time over the last few months, but I was nervous about how to stay objective and not lose readers. I wrote many posts that I never published, because I didn't want to be responsible for a political debate, but with the hours ticking away, I'm running out of time for what might be only chance to ever write about politics.  

I talked to friends... to family... everyone I could think of about what issues were important to them. We talked about abortion, healthcare, gay marriage. We talked about republicans, liberals, the tea party. Taxes. Military. Education. And through all of it, I was taking mental notes for my blog. I was going to remind everyone, the night before election, of the important issues and why this election is SO VERY crucial. 

Then I sat down at my laptop and began to type, when my toddler reminded me that I had not asked him about his opinions on the presidential election. I looked at my chubby, brown- eyed boy and saw myself. My heart was full of pride and my eyes began to fill with tears as I waited to hear my middle child tell me about his stand on foreign policy. This was it... This was that moment in every mom's life when she realizes having children, instead of chasing her dreams, was more fulfilling...

"The one with cookies."

The one with cookies... 

So there you have it, from the mouth of a three year old. When you make your way to the polls tomorrow, make sure you are not only thinking about all the issues the candidates discussed during the debates... Make sure you consider which one has the most cookies. 

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