Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gifts for Teachers: Part One

With this coming week being the last week before Christmas break, the kids and I are working hard to get their teacher gift projects completed. I'm awful about waiting until the last minute to do things, but as long as we stay focused we should be done by tonight, which will hopefully leave me with enough time to make them festive outfits for their classroom Christmas parties. *fingers crossed*

We have two different projects we are working on for our teachers this year, so there will be two parts to this blog showing the gifts we made.

Teacher's Goodie Box!


I got this project from the same place I get most of my ideas... PINTEREST!!!! There were far too many blogs with tutorials for me to know who to give credit to, so just know that I can't take credit for it, because I totally found it on pinterest!

a craft box (can usually find these in the scrapbook or jewelry section your craft store)
scrapbook paper
goodies to fill your box with

First thing you want to do is wrap your ribbon around your box and cut it, make sure you leave enough room to tie a bow! Then glue the ribbon to the top of the box.

using your scrapbook paper, decorate the lid, or even better... let your child decorate it!

Glue the scrapbook paper to the lid!

fill the inside with your goodies.

close it and tie your bow...


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