Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Scavenger Hunt!

I'm a member of an exclusive photography group on facebook and we do monthly photography challenges. I don't always participate, because I'm usually really busy and forget to take my challenge photo, but this month I am determined to participate in our challenge.

It's a scavenger hunt for basic Christmas items, some should be easy for me to capture like candy canes, while others may be a bit of a challenge, like reindeer, where am I going to find reindeer?!?! We are suppose to be creative and not take your typical snapshot, so I'm trying to think outside of the box with my list of Christmas items. Hopefully I can stick with it and not only complete it, but get a few different angles on some typical holiday things. Here's my first photo!!!


It's our decorated Christmas Tree!!!! When taking pictures of your Christmas tree, if you want it to be all bright and sparkly, like mine, turn all the lights in the room off, then bump up the ISO on your camera and take the photo without your flash on!

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