In January, I prepared the house for Husband's R&R visit and for Handsome's birth! in the process I redecorated our master bedroom and painted this plaque for our room

In February, Handsome was born and admitted in the NICU. It was a rough month for us. Husband had to go back to Afghanistan the day after Handsome was transported to a Children's hospital an hour away from our home. This is a photo from his first night in the Children's Hospital.

In March, Handsome was still chilling in the NICU, but we were finally starting to get answers. It was a few days after this photo was taking that we discovered he was epileptic.

In April, we all got make overs! Heidi cut all her hair off. Skywalker was sporting one of those shaggy punk hair cuts, while my little LB got his first mohawk!

In May, I started playing softball with a group of army wives... I ended up with a fractured cheekbone and a broken tear duct. OUCH!

In June, we all enjoyed the not so fabulous Tennessee summer. We missed our Florida beaches desperately, but we set up a pool and a slip in slide and tried to make the best of it.

In July, HE CAME HOME!!!! After a year long deployment, I got to wrap my arms around my husband's neck! It was simply amazing! (Oh yea and I was a blonde!)

In August, my babies started school. I always dreaded this day. I knew it was going to be soo hard for me to see leave them at school and it was. I think it might not have been so hard with Heidi if she wasn't so happy about it.

September it was back to the hospital in Nashville for five admission in six weeks. One night in September was by far the worst night of my life. The first time Handsome seized for over an hour. A night I will never forget.

My sweet baby boy, LB, turned two in October! He is most definitely a blessing and so much fun to be around. The older he gets the more he amazes me with his humor, his smarts, and his awesome good looks. (Everyone says he looks like me :D)

November, we celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time JUST US! (with the exception of one guy Husband works with) Heidi loved learning about the Indians and the Pilgrims at school, so much she came home and gave me lessons! She even made me this pilgrim hat!

And last but not least...
December! We had a lot to celebrate this last month! The birth of Jesus! Husband being home for the holidays! Handsome being two months seizure free! And just being able to be together.

Now we are looking towards what 2012 will bring us... Hopefully it's not Armageddon!
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