Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Oh how I suck with New Year's Resolutions. Last year, I was going to be a vegan, I made it to May 28th before I ate any meat, but I was munching on dairy the whole time. The year before that, I was going to take a picture EVERYDAY, I made it to day 36 before I forgot. And before that I was going to try to go a year without coloring my hair... I think I colored it blonde in February, then brown again in May.

I probably shouldn't even bother with resolutions this year, but I can't help myself. I want to have something to strive for. I want to accomplish something so at the end of the year I can link you back to this post and say look I did it! The only way I think that will be possible is for me to keep it simple.

Make something new each month I want to make a new tutorial for you guys at least once a month. To help me with this I offered to make thirteen of my facebook friends a handmade gift. I will do one a month!

Get Organized I am probably one of the most unorganized people in the world. I read all these blogs about getting organized and I swear I'm going to do it, but I never do. This year I hope to change that!

Wordless Wednesday I want to start posting a wordless wednesday post each week or something relatively similar...

Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred I want to actually finish it. I have started it so many times over the last couple years and made it into the last 10 days and quit. At some point this year, I want to finish it, just to say I have!

Now let's see if I can stick with it. *crosses fingers*

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