Friday, January 6, 2012

Project 52. Week One. Natural.

Paint the Moon Photography is one of my favorite photography blogs. She is brilliant. The thing I admire the most about her photography is her ability to capture amazing photos of her children. I can take a good photo of a client, but when it comes to my kids I struggle to get a good shot.

Annie, the photographer at Paint the Moon Photography, hosted a project 52 last year. I found out about it too late to participate, so when she announced that she was doing it again this year, I was ecstatic! If you haven't heard of Paint the Moon Photography or Project 52 I urge you to click HERE!

Each week, Annie will give us a choice of themes to pick between and we take a photo of our theme and post it in the Flickr group or on facebook. This week I decided to go with the theme "natural" and while I was taking Handsome's photos this morning he started crying. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to snap a photo of this week's theme. A baby crying during a photo shoot? If that's not natural, then I don't know what is!


52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

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