Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wizards of Waverly Place

I have a confession... I am absolutely addicted to the Disney Channel. I was around eight years old when I discovered cable television. The Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodian were instant favorites. I used to love watching powder puff girls, are you afraid of the dark and all the made for tv Disney movies.

Even after I "grew up" I continued to watch Disney daily. I absolutely loved Hannah Montana. Most people made fun of me, especially my husband. But when Wizards of Waverly Place came out everyone in our house was hooked. We have probably seen every episode a hundred times.

This past Friday our favorite show ended, though. We were all excited to see how the show would end, but sad at the same time to have it end. We made subs for dinner, since the family in the show runs a sub shop and made wizard hats to celebrate. It's one show I will really miss. It was a show that the whole family enjoyed my sons, my dau ghter, even my mom and my husband, and I think it might take us a while to find another show that well rounded.

Other then that, we had a very lazy weekend. We ate breakfast for dinner, had chocolate covered strawberries, and watched the finale of Waverly Place about 5 times. How was your weekend?


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