Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Operation: Get Organized!

One of my resolutions is to get more organized. Organization has never come easy for me, no matter how hard I try. I'm that person who sticks clothes in whatever draw they will fit in and I buy organizers, like shoe organizers to hang behind the door, but the shoes still get thrown in the closet and other miscellaneous things get put in the shoe organizer. My lack of organization skills never really bothered me up until recently.

I guess, lately, I'm so hard- pressed for time, that being unorganized has started to take more time away from my day then I can afford. The other day I "misplaced" my camera battery charger and we spent 3 hours, yes 3 hours, tearing our house apart looking for it. Then it took the rest of the day to clean up the mess we made while on our search.

We decided to take Operation: Get Organized! slow. Each month we want to work on a different room and after we get that room organized, my goal is to spend thirty minutes a week in that room making sure everything is still organized. I'm hopeful this will make our future moves easier, as well as our small living space more livable.

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