Thursday, March 29, 2012

Operation Get Organized: Junk Drawers

I've always heard that every house has a black hole, a certain room or area in the house where things get put and then are never seen again. Most of the time, they are sticking items that don't particularly belong in the area, there, just to get them out of the way. Then they just keep forgetting to put it where it really goes... and more stuff gets added on top of it, until they forget about it altogether. For most people, it's a closet or a drawer, a place that your guest would most likely not see.

I've never giving much thought as to where our black hole is, like I said earlier in the year, when I started Operation Get Organized, my life is cluttered, so picking one area in the house that is THE BLACK HOLE, required some thinking. All of our closets could fit the description. And Heidi has a night stand that she's got dvds, make-up, even some of Skywalker's video games, stashed in, because she likes things "out of the way," just as much as her mama does.

But once I started thinking about it... I knew. I knew exactly where my black hole was.

And it's so bad that I have decided I am not taking fault for it. Nope! I did NOT do it! The clutter found in my junk drawers (yes plural) is totally my mom's fault. She loves junk drawers.

Here is my before...


I poured everything in the junk drawers into a bag and then I cleaned the drawers with bleach.


Then I dumped all the junk from the drawers on my living room floor... totally cropped the pic so you couldn't tell HOW bad it was.


Skywalker kept finding parts to toys that he thought were long gone...


And then... MY AFTERS!


The project took me 2 hours and I am so happy to finally have it done. My kitchen feels so much cleaner, now. I, even, started organizing my pantry a little bit, after I finished the drawers, maybe I will get that finished this weekend and I will have something else I can praise myself about, but my main goal right now is to finish our family life binder before the new baby comes. I always wanted to put one together, but never found the time, now I think I NEED to, so hopefully I can get that done soon.

A lot of my friends have been talking about how they need to get their junk drawers organized... Well, I did it, so it's your turn. Get on it! And show me before/after pics.

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