Friday, March 30, 2012

Family Life Binder

Since a lot of people have been asking me about my family life binder, I figured I'd go ahead and blog about it, even though it's not 100% finished. I have enough of it done that y'all will get the point. :D

A lot of people call them household binders, but since the first blog I ever read about one referred to it as a family life binder, that's just what I call it, but they all are the same thing, a binder that you use to help organize your household/family.

Everyone's binder is probably a little different then someone else's, because different households, different families, have different needs. Mine for example, has extra things in it about seizure first aid and ketogenic diet recipes and a military life section. I'm sure not all my readers would require these things in their binders, but they may need a section for a babysitter or a section with home maintenance checklists. You just have to sit down and figure out what should go in your binder based on your families needs and things that require organization in your household. This is, seriously, what took me the longest and I'm STILL finding things to add!

Here's some photos of my binder and brief run down on what's inside to give you a starting point with yours.


I bought this cute binder at target with some page protectors and dividers.


The first section in my binder is for the kid's school.

a contact sheet for their teachers and the main line at school
school newsletter
and extra stuff from their teachers about upcoming events or snack days


My cleaning section includes my daily cleaning schedule, weekly cleaning schedule, and monthly cleaning schedule.

I, also, stuck's cleaning list in there for reference when I do a deep clean. (If you haven't checked out, you really should)

The next section, in my binder, is for finance. (I didn't get a picture, because the information is just a bit personal.) I have a budget spreadsheet, where I have filled out how much everything SHOULD cost vs how much it did cost and keep track of our finances. There is another spreadsheet, in the section, that list every bill we owe per month, so I can check it off, as we pay it.

Contacts is the next part of my binder. For this one, I added those page protectors people use for baseball cards and I put business cards for all the important people and places, like Handsome's doctors, pharmacy, housing maintenance... There's also business cards for my favorite businesses in town and local vendors.

The medical section includes a brief medical info sheet on everyone in our family. It lists allergies, medications and their dose, and any medical problems they may have, but the main purpose for this section, was to include a list of carb free products Handsome can use with his diet, information on his diet, and a 'what to do if he has a seizure' page.


Then we got my calendar, which is pretty self explanatory. The section is just a blank calendar I can fill in important dates with.


The daily life part has a to do list for everyone in our family, along with our daily routines.


The next part is all about food! It's where I will keep inventory of what we have in the house, plan our meals, and plan my grocery trips.

I put recipes for Handsome's ketogenic diet in this section.

And, what's probably everyone's favorite... Take out menus!


The sections that I haven't completed:

Military, which I plan to use to keep track of the important contacts in Husband's unit, a copy of his orders, power of attorneys and events his unit has planned.

Auto Maintenance, I just want to add to keep track of oil changes and other things done to our vehicles.


If you happen to make a binder, I'd love to know what you put in your's. It might remind me of something I forgot to put in mine!

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