Thursday, April 5, 2012

Operation Get Organized: Launchpad

Today, I decided to tackle my entryway. There isn't really much to it, so there wasn't much to organize. My coat closet needed a little maintenance, winter coats put away, shoes that don't fit thrown away... The basics for Spring cleaning.

But, while I was reorganizing my coat closet, I found this shelf that my mom had purchased YEARS ago at a yard sale. She gave it to me when I moved to Kentucky and told me "use it to hang your keys on." Well, I didn't want to argue with her about it, so I took it, but truth be told, it was ugly and there was no way I was putting it up in my house. For one, I hate light colored wood, give me something dark and rustic and I will find a use for it, but that natural pine color... just... it's not for me. So, I put this ugly shelf in my coat closet and promised myself I'd paint it one day, just to appease my mother and I just never got around to it.

Until today! (over two years after my move)


I drug it outside, threw it on my old newspapers, I had used to spray paint some picture frames, last week, and went to town!

At least until I ran out of spray paint! And was left with a not so fully coated shelf, but hey whose going to look that close.

I hung it up next to my coat closet and then searched the house for something to put on it.


I dug out these little wood people from my craft box.(one for each of our family members, even the new baby) One day, I promise I will paint them so that they have personality! (hopefully sooner then 2 years)

Then I needed a use for the shelf...

When the munchkins came home and one threw their backpack on the couch, while the other threw their's on the table, a little light bulb went off in my head!


Now, my mama is flying up tomorrow to be here for the birth of the baby and won't she be happy to see I finally put her shelf to use... :D

And that is how the launchpad in my household was created!

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