Thursday, May 3, 2012

Skywalker and "T"

We are a military family.

Eight years ago, my husband signed his name on the dotted line, enlisting in the United States Marine Corps. And after four and a half years of service with them, he decided to switch branches. In 2009, he joined the Army. 

I always tell myself that my life as a soldier's wife is no different then the life of a lawyers wife or an air conditioner repairman's. And I try very hard to hold onto every part of our civilian lives as I can. 

But some days it's harder then others. 

Some days, I just can't deny that my husband's job is A LOT more then just a job. It's a lifestyle. And it affects everyone in our household.

Yesterday, was one of those days... 


Skywalker is shy and timid. He's friendly, but it takes him a long time to warm up to someone and an even longer time to call them friend. So, when he announced that he had a best friend, we knew that this was the real thing. (Unlike, our Heidi who calls everyone her best friend!)

Skywalker and his best friend, "T", met in 2010, when their daddies deployed to Afghanistan together.  We spent a lot of time with "T" and his family during the deployment at FRG events. And then, last fall, Skywalker and "T" ended up in same kindergarten class. 

Throughout the school year, we heard a lot about "T", but one thing we weren't looking forward to hearing was, "His daddy is going to work for the army somewhere else." 

It's part of life in the military, always having to pack up and move where ever the Army needs you. Always having to say goodbye to the friends you've made.

We ARE a military family. We are professionals at saying goodbye, but with every goodbye, there comes new hellos.

We wish "T" and his family many new hellos at their new base and hope someday our paths cross again. Good luck guys!

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