Saturday, August 10, 2013

Back To School

My big babies returned to school this week making it official. We have a first grader and a second grader! I always have such a rough time sending my kid to school. Yes, my house is chaotic over the summer and during the weekends. Yes, it gets so loud around here that I can't hear myself think. And you bet, the house gets so messy that I want to just burn it all, but I love having my kids around me. When they are at school, I wonder what I'm missing out on. 

This year was a bit tougher, because my babies aren't just starting a new school year. They are starting a new school. We moved during the summer to middle Tennessee (part of the reason blogging got slow for a while) and although the area isn't ll that new to us, the kids are zoned to a new school. 

This was also their first year riding a bus! Skywalker still doesn't know what to think of it. But Heidi gave me a bit of a scare with the bus. 

On their second day, she didn't get off the bus. The bus driver told me that she didn't get on either. She thought maybe I had picked her up early. I began panicking as the bus driver called around trying to find out if Heidi had got on the wrong bus. After a few moments my phone rang, Heidi's teacher had her at the school. Come to find out, Heidi has a doppelganger and the teacher had confused the two girls and put Heidi in the car rider line and the doppelganger in the bus line. Oh no! 

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